We had no idea how quickly things would progress but in the past months it has become evident that the spirit of the Community is the driving force behind the developments. A lot has been done but there is much more they wish to do..
Of critical importance are the key people close to the school.

Without Matti, Claris, Fatuma and the Parents little progress would have been made. Their energy and inspiration has not only helped to enthuse other villagers but energise the Trustees. They bounce with ideas and retain a good humour even when things are difficult. Our thanks to them and their colleagues in the Community for making this a wonderful year for us and we hope for them.

Fatuma:  the enthusiastic teacher whose reward is in her success; all shared her delight as sixteen children, many significantly “over age”, qualified for the state junior school. She values her own continuing training and the results are clear for even a casual observer. She now has use of a bicycle and more free time: so how does she use the time?  By volunteering to teach adult literacy classes!

Fatuma in her new classroom with attentive children!

Claris: the ever willing driving force and cook whose loving care helps the children and the villagers.

Claris in her kitchen (then it was the Old School but now we’ve rebuilt it. She is with her husband Matti, cooking with her helpmate Jim when they prepared the Bolognese and meatballs for the celebration after the Water pipe was finished.

Claris is the genuine “helpmate” and supporter of her husband Matti who initially was the organiser, doer and driving force without whom your donations would have achieved little. He remains the organiser but fortunately the rest of the village are just as enthusiastic!

Above, the celebration after  the water-pipe was finished.

Matti and Claris are Nickson’s parents who first intrigued Jim; Nickson, thankfully, now is healthy and strong. See How we started.

The Parents, the Chief, Oman Bakon  and the Elders (Cornelius Katanav, Maganzi Ndolu and Peter Tarazav): all have encouraged others with a common resolve to help the village community including forming the Community Committee as an addition to the School Committee.

These are the members of the School Committee: Cornelius Katana (an Elder: Chairman), Mwatete Ndiro ( that’s Matti!: the Vice-Chairman), Fatuma Maulidi (the Teacher: Secretary), Beatrace Manga (a Parent: Treasurer),Eunice Nyamawi (a Parent), Jumane Ndara (a Parent) and Loseline Mbodo (also a  Parent)

These are the members of the Community Committee: The Chief: Oman Bakon, the Elders: Cornelius Katanav, Peter Taraza and Maganzi Ndolu, Manatee Nadir ( Matti: Chairman) Pamela Moue (Assistant), Mwazimu Mwambire, (Secretary), Stephen Runya (Assistant) and Fatuma Mwango (Treasurer).

All we wish to do is encourage and try to help remove obstacles to the progress the villagers wish to make.

They wanted a village with potable water, improving schooling for their children and literacy for themselves. They want a village with high standards of hygiene and health.

But they don’t want others making their decisions for them.

Now with the help of the enthusiastic Chief and Elders the elected Community Committee is developing initiatives leading to for example, better village facilities including medical support. Jim’s been asked to be an honorary ex-officio member of both the Community and of the School Committees. The School Committee must be re-elected at the beginning of a new school year as the villagers have insisted that a School committee should have parents of existing pupils, not past.

Decision time when forming the Committee.

Our abiding memories are of the Community Spirit and sheer enjoyment of life no matter what it brings.

Getting ready to celebrate is a colourful ,enjoyable yet serious business.

And soon it is time to dance.

Below the Children show their pride in the school, their new uniforms and those bags kindly donated by West Town PS.

But, careful: the Pied Piper Musungu Jim leads the children with their new bags out of the village! Since Jim taught the children to dance the Conga, they want to do it all the time!


We want to thank everyone in the school and Village for making the last two years wonderful.

We want to help them to make other years just as or even more successful.

There’s much more to do but: “One hill at a time!”